An installation by artist Martin Waters
St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Pickering.
The installation created on the floor of the church, with the help of many donations of remembrance poppies used in the Poppy installations at Holy Trinity Parish Church, Hull, is in response to my feelings towards war.
I wanted to create something large enough to describe the immense empathy people have towards those killed in or as a result of war and conflict, including civilians. I wanted to emulate the poppies growing in the fields of Flanders after the battles of the First World War.
The words of the old memorials echo in my thoughts as I walk through the beautiful building, solemn, sad yet heroic and commemorated, lost but still loved.
“lest we forget”
“when you go home, tell them of us and say, for your tomorrow we gave our today”
Together with the installation are other artworks which bring into focus the many the British military personnel lost in the Afghanistan conflict since its start in 2001.
Why not join me in laying down your own remembrance poppy.
Martin Waters